ROME CNN — The parents of Amanda Knox, an American convicted of murdering

Amanda Knox's parents, Curt Knox and Edda Mellas, were indicted on Tuesday

Amanda Knox's parents indicted in Italy. In this Dec. 1 2009 file photo,

Curt Knox and Edda Mellas - Amanda Knox Parents

Italian police have indicted Knox's parents, Curt Knox and Edda Mellas,

Italian police have indicted Knox's parents, Curt Knox and Edda Mellas,

Amanda Knox's parents sued by Italian police over abuse claims | World news

Italian police have indicted Amanda Knox's parents for comment they made to

28, 2009 file photo, Edda Mellas, left, and Curt Knox, the parents of Amanda

PERUGIA, Italy (AP) – The parents of Amanda Knox, an American student

Amanda Knox's parents were ordered to stand trial for alleging that police

PERUGIA, Italy (AP) - A lawyer says the parents of Amanda Knox, the American

Amanda Knox arrives in court before the start of her appeal trial in

A lawyer says that Amanda Knox's parents have been ordered to stand trial

According to Reuters, Knox, 22,

(ANSA) - Perugia, February 15 - Amanda Knox's parents were on Tuesday

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Amanda Knox's Parents Indicted In Italy

Amanda Knox indicted on slander charges in Italy, parents on Early Show

American student Amanda Knox and her then-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito,
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